Instructors and skippers

Sailing instructor
Rio Rajala
My passion for sailing ignited years ago in the waters of Vesijärvi and Päijänne. I learned to sail myself "the hard way", when I bought a boat completely inexperienced. Later, I realized how much more effective and safer (also for fellow boaters) it is to practice first in the company of more experienced people.
The hobby of boating is versatile. There is always room for improvement in handling the boat and sails. Monitoring weather forecasts and observing their realization is a constant challenge. Navigation both traditionally and with the help of newer technology. Nice interaction with people and dimensions into maritime history and celestial tracking. Maintenance procedures and equipment. You'll always find more to learn in sailing.
I have worked as a sailing instructor since 2013. I have worked as a classroom teacher for a long time and currently as a special education teacher - I also want to develop learning situations and take into account people's different capacities for learning.
- Authorized sailing instructor (PORY)
- Authorized boating instructor (SPV)
- Authorized navigation instructor (SNL and SNOP)
- Examiner (day skipper level)
- Board member and head of training in The Association of Sailing Instructors PORY
- International Certificate of Competence (Traficom)
- Certificate for operators of charter boats (Traficom)
- Exams of the Finnish Navigation Association: Inshore, Coastal and Celestial
- Advanced Celestial Navigation Course, I.O.S.
- RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper courses
- Sail Racing experience
- Meriturva rescue training
- Sailing experience in lakes, the Baltic Sea, the Channel and the Mediterranean
- Experience as a sailing instructor for groups with special needs

Erkko Ruohoniemi
Authorized sailing instructor (PORY)
Authorized boating instructor (SPV)
Kansainvälinen huviveneenkuljettajankirja (Traficom)
Vuokraveneen kuljettajakirja (Traficom)
Rannikkopäällikkötutkinto (PORY)
Suomen Navigaatioliiton tutkinnot (saaristo-, rannikko- ja avomerilaivuri)
Meriturva rescue training
Purjehduskokemusta Itämereltä, Karibialta ja Välimereltä
Olen aktiivinen matkapurjehtija ja innostunut viime vuosina myös veneilyn ja purjehduksen kouluttamisesta. Purjehduskokemusta minulla on omalla veneellä vuodesta 2001 ja sitä ennen meripartiosta, kavereiden veneistä ym. Koulutuksessa minua innostaa mahdollisuus päästä vesille erilaisten ihmisten ja veneiden kanssa sekä tilaisuus sytyttää purjehduskipinä mahdollisimman monelle.
Sailing Instructor and skipper
Jan Schmid
I am 40 years old sailor, with a lot of experiences both in cruising and racing. I fell in love in sailing already as young when sailing with my father in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. As an instructor I prioritize that everyone can learn to sail and joy in safe and inspirational atmosphere. I work as sport teacher and I guide the students who'll be teachers. As a sailing instructor, I am perfectly able to combine my passion for sailing and my knowledge of the principles of high-quality teaching and cooperation.
- Authorized sailing instructor (PORY)
- International Certificate of Competence (Traficom)
- Certificate for operators of charter boats (Traficom)
- Exams of the Finnish Navigation Association: Inshore, Coastal and Celestial
- RYA Day Skipper -course
- Skipper and tidal waters -course in Bretagne, France
- Plenty of racing experience with keelboats

Authorized sailing instructor (PORY)
Purjehduksen olen aloittanut varttimatruusina ja tämän jälkeen kokemusta on kertynyt laajalti, niin ammattimerenkulusta, purjehduksen kouluttamisesta kuin kilpapurjehduksesta. Työskentelen arkisin myös koulumaailmassa.
Kouluttaessani nautin erityisesti tämän mahtavan ja monipuolisen harrastuksen jakamisesta muille.
skipper and trainer
I am a passionate sailor and offshore racer. For the past few years, I have been mainly competing in the offshore double-handed class. I also have many years of experience as a skipper on a sail training vessel, having crossed the Atlantic Ocean multiple times while instructing newcomers to ocean sailing.