Navigation courses
The price of the course is €90
Outside the boating season, we organize navigation courses as remote courses according to the system of Suomen Navigoinninopettajat ry.
Tällä kaudella uutta:
Etätapaamiset nauhoitetaan, ja ne on katsottavissa sovitun ajan tapaamisten jälkeen, ellet pääse seuraamaan itse livetapaamista.
Navigointi 1 – Sisävedet ja Itämeri
Navigointi 2 – vuorovesialueet
Please ask more about courses fixed for you and your own group.
Have you already studied navigation, but the exam is maybe not completed? Please take contact to us, so we can fix training for you myös sinulle and help you to orientate for the exam!
Books and practice maps of Suomen Navigoinninopettajat ry are used in the courses. In addition, a harp and a protractor or a course plotter are needed in the exercises. The materials can be ordered from the instructor during registration.
- Navigointi 1 -kirja 37 e
- Navigointi 2 -kirja 40 e
- Navi1 harjoituskartta 9 e
- Navi2 harjoituskartta (Imray C33A Channel Islands) 35e
- harp Linex 12e (more precise) or harp brass 22.50e (more traditional)
- astelevy 11e
Course certificate
Navigation 1 or Navigation 2 to get the certificate requires a navigation qualification approval. After the course, you can participate in the degree remotely at any time you want (the remote degree is organized by our partner). We also organize traditional exam events according to demand.
Navigation course 2 the exam is enough for to show your navigation skills when you need ICC (International Certificate of Competence) from Traficom.