Sailing School


Sea Lady Sailing has published Ivar Dedekam's sailing and boating books, which have already been published in 21 languages.

You can order books for yourself or as a gift by filling out the order form, delivery costs from 7e.

Painos loppunut

Start of sailing and more crew skillssisi

Lady Courses are for women. All other courses for everyone.
You should also inquire about cancellations for courses.

You can also complete a sailing course with sailing trips.

From a crew member to a skipper



Tilaa itsellesi räätälöity päällikkötreeni. Lisäksi joillekin päivä- ja iltapurjehduksistamme on mahdollista ilmoittautua harjoittelevaksi kippariksi.

The inshore skipper course can also be completed with sailing trips.

Day and evening sailings and longer sailing trips ksi


LADY sailings for women, other sailings for everyone

Do you still have your sport benefits unused?
You can use Smartum, Edenred or Epassi, ja jo nyt ostaa itsellesi kaudelle 2025 purjehduksia tai kurssin.