Sailing crew course
Sailing crew course is intended for beginners - prerequisites are swimming skills and 15 years of age.
The sailing crew course is intended for beginners who want to become active and competent members of a sailboat's crew. After the course, the participant will be able to handle sails and steer the boat, and participate in daily tasks on deck and inside.
The minimum duration of the course is 32 hours (usually 8 hours of theory, 24 hours of practice, normally four days on the water).
Recommended a separate theory day (65e) is held before the course. It includes e.g. basic knowledge about sailboats and sailing, practicing knots. The rules of the road, the basics of weather phenomena and safety issues are also included in the program of this course.
As learning material for the sailing crew course we use a book Purjehtimaan published by Pory..
More information and booking
Itä-Helsingin iltapurjehduksia elokuussa
maanantaina 26.8. Strömsinlahdelta,
tiistaina 27.8. Kulosaaresta,
alkaen 17.00
70€ (sis alv)
(lisää kysynnän mukaan)
Purjehtijakurssi 7/2024
20.8., 24.-25.8. ja 27.8.2024
Kouluttaja omalle veneelle?
Tiedustele kouluttajaa omalla veneellä harjoitteluun.
Sailing course in English 20.-21.7.
20.-21.7. Lauttasaari, Helsinki
Basics of sail trimming
ti 21.5. 17.30 sekä ti 28.5. 17.30
Johdatus purjehdukseen 11.5.
La 11.5.2024 10-18 Koivusaaresta